Chip Seal Paving
An asphalt distributor and chip spreader used in chip seal paving services

The Right Machinery for Your Chip Seal Paving Service

Roadways throughout the United States are constantly in varying cycles of restoration and repair. Continual traffic, severe weather and extreme temperatures take their toll on asphalt streets and highways. Thus, it’s essential for asphalt contractors to provide services for asphalt repair and maintenance. Your company can offer quick and effective chip seal paving for any surface with the right equipment. See what machinery you need with Etnyre today!

Why Should You Offer Chip Sealing?

As an asphalt contractor, if you don’t offer chip seal paving to your clients, you’re missing out on a significant revenue stream for your business. Chip sealing is one of the most popular and practical methods for repairing and maintaining asphalt roadways. Through chip sealing, you can offer your clients:

  • Long-Lasting Asphalt
    • As already mentioned, traffic, weather and temperature can have a lasting effect on your asphalt. Over time, continued exposure to these factors can cause cracking and deterioration on asphalt’s surface. However, you strengthen and protect your roadways with a liquid and asphalt aggregate seal. With the even distribution of chip seal, the lifespan of asphalt can be increased by up to 12 years.
  • Increased Safety
    • In addition to increasing longevity, chip seal also increases the safety of any roadway. The average asphalt road can have trouble with ice and road glare, depending on the time of day and weather conditions. Chip sealing alleviates such concerns, making asphalt skid-resistant and decreasing road glare caused by the sun’s rays.
  • Easy and Affordable Installation
    • To the benefit of asphalt contractors and their clients, chip and seal services are easy and affordable to implement. With Etnyre machinery, contractors can keep labor costs low. Furthermore, the material necessary for chip sealing is partially recycled, meaning it’s cost-effective. Between labor and materials, contractors can keep their costs low, also keeping costs lower for clients.

The Equipment You Require

To ensure you always offer the best chip seal paving, you need the right equipment for the job. Leave it to Etnyre to supply you with the machinery you need. Our chip spreaders, asphalt distributors, and asphalt transports guarantee simplicity and convenience for any chip seal job.

  • Asphalt Distributors – Evenly spreading liquid asphalt to roadway surfaces is possible with Etnyre’s asphalt distributors. Our distributor trucks can carry between 1,000 to 4,500 gallons of asphalt liquid, using adjustable spray bars to apply to existing asphalt easily.
  • Chip Spreaders – The Etnyre ChipSpreader is one of Etnyre’s flagship products. Our chip spreader uses 10 to 15-foot front spread hoppers, 24-inch-wide hydrostatic-driven conveyor belts, and computer-controlled application rates for straightforward aggregate application.
  • Asphalt Transports/Live Bottom Trailers – Transporting large amounts of liquid asphalt and aggregate chips is possible thanks to Etnyre’s asphalt transports and live bottom trailers. Both products are equipped to safely transport their respective materials, ensuring easy access anywhere.
A live bottom trailer used to transport materials for Chip Seal Paving

Call Today

Chip seal paving is a necessary service every asphalt contractor should offer. If you lack the right equipment for chip seal services, find the machinery you need with Etnyre! To learn more about our top-rated asphalt equipment, contact Etnyre today at 815-732-2166. We are located at 1333 Daysville Rd, Oregon, IL 61061. Etnyre is headquartered in Illinois, serving clients throughout the United States.